Why a novel about the Donner Party is the perfect thing right now
“Disasters are fascinating,” Wolf says. “You know what’s going to happen, and you know it’s going to be bad, but the characters don’t.” The Mountain Xpress interviewed me about the new book. It gives some background on how I did my research, and touches on why this book is so relevant right now. Like all good stories, we are drawn in to relate to the characters, and gain insight into how they behaved under difficult circumstances. You can’t help but see eerie similarities to our current crisis. How do you keep your humanity in a situation like that? So I guess this book, like COVID, it’s just a bunch of…
New Book & Pandemic Update
I’m pleased to announce the release of my latest historical novel in verse (for grade 6 and up), The Snow Fell Three Graves Deep: Voices from the Donner Party. Please join me for a short virtual book launch on Wed, September 9 at 6:00PM ET hosted by Malaprops Bookstore & Cafe. Three Graves will be released simultaneously as an audio-book, with a full-cast of voices featuring Bahni Turpin who just won an Audie Award for narrating The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas. Turpin is joined by a veteran ensemble of voice actors including Ramon de Ocampo who is the voice of The Diary of a Wimpy Kid audio books.…
What Matters Most: A Poem for Teachers
Plan A. Plan B. Plan C. The world is in the middle of a Plan-demic. I wrote the poem What Matters Most below as a reminder that determining what to do is easier if we first determine what we believe. The new realities of the Pandemic require us to be grounded and rational, and yet our irrational imaginations are working overtime to innovate, recreate, readjust, and reinvent. During challenging times, when you feel a little lost, Poetry can be your compass needle’s North. What Matters MostA Poem for Teachers If you believe that you can teachand students can be taught,let all you do be guided bythose two essential thoughts. If you feel…
Poetry Palooza: Episode 4
Poetry Palooza, Episode 4: THE QUARANTINE QUARTET. In which Allan writes a poem about making the most of quarantine. Doodle, and James get into the act, as well as a mysterious stranger.
Poetry Palooza: Episode 3
Poetry Palooza, Episode 3: Iambic Titanic. In which Allan uses a human heart to demonstrate how he uses iambic pentameter to give voice to an iceberg and then re-enacts the sinking of the Titanic in his living room!
Poetry Palooza: Episode 2
Metaphors be with you, Episode 2, in which Allan can’t sleep and goes to his library to POgle in the dark! It’s all about rhythm y’all! Stay safe.
Poetry Palooza: Episode 1
Introducing my new po-folk video series, POETRY PALOOZA!I’m taking advantage of my time off the road visiting schools and performing poems. I’m working on two new books (one non-fiction picture book, and one mid-grade novel). I’m organizing years of old files and papers and manuscripts. I’m playing a lot of music and juggling. My funnest project, by far, has been the launching of Allan Wolf’s Poetry Palooza!, a series of short, informative, fun videos that celebrate poetry, writing, reading, and generally just living the po-folk’s life. Proud to show you Episode 1: Venus in Verse
Make this your Year of 2020 Vision
I have dubbed this year The Year of 2020 Vision. And I have devoted myself to the pursuit of clarity in its many forms. I encourage you to do the same. In fact, why not make this your annus mirabilis! Annus mirabilis—pronounced AN • us • meh • ROB • uh •liss—is Latin for “Year of Miracles,” and has been used to name an unusually productive phase in the life of an artist, scientist, activist, and etc. The poet, John Keats, for example wrote nearly all of his most iconic odes during the course of a short few months. This coming year I will see the publication of my fifth…
Launching Poetry Into Space!
Hello Po-Folk, Let the countdown begin! In just two weeks my book of space poems is “go for launch!” The Day the Universe Exploded My Head: Poems to Take You Into Space and Back Again (Candlewick Press) is beautifully illustrated by the amazing Anna Raff. To mark the occasion I will be offering schools and libraries a special presentation based on the book, complete with music, costumes, puppets, participation, amazing facts, and, of course, a lot of poetry! This book and special author presentation are a great way to mark the 50thanniversary of the landing on the moon! I believe in bringing poems to life, from page to stage, so I’ve…
The Day the Universe Exploded My Head
On March 5, 2019 hang on tight for a raucous bounce through the solar system and back — propelled by funny, fanciful, factually sound poems and exuberant illustrations by the amazing Anna Graff. Just in time for the 50th anniversary of the landing on the moon! The Day the Universe Exploded My Head is ready for pre-order now!